Database Entities
Creating the database entities is one of the main features of Kickoff. These can be collections inside Firebase or domains in your legacy API - Kickoff will generate the according CRUD functions.
One entity represents a colleciton in Firebase or a domain ike /customers in your backend.
Entity Name
The entity name should be in camel case and singular like Book, UserReport or CustomerData.
This name is used for the pages and interfaces in your exported application.
A field represents a property of your object, like name inside a User object.
Field name
This is the internal name of your field like used in your database and also used inside a Firebase document.
The name is only visible inside the code of your application.
Field label
The label is used inside the details pages in the generated application to describe the input field
Field type
The type of the field determines the type inside the interface and also which input element in your Ionic app will be rendered.
The currently available types are:
- string
- number
- boolean
- date
More fields to come…