
Backend Configuration

You can select one of the following as the base for your project. Once created, you can’t change this configuration for a project and only start a new project later with a different configuration.


To connect your Ionic app directly with Firebase, you need to copy the web configuration object from your Firebase console.

Firebase configuration

Now paste the highlighted block from your Firebase project into the editor for a new Kickoff project and your app will be configured correctly.

Existing API

If you already have a server up an running, you can start your Kickoff project with the base URL to your API.

This URL will be set in your environment and Kickoff assumes the path to your different domains by adding them to this URL following best practices.

No Backend

You don’t have a backend yet and just want to quickly configure an Ionic app? No problem!

Select this option if you don’t know about your backend or don’t have a backend.

Made with ❤ in Germany